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UAE Hair Transplant

We are providing the Best hair transplant services in Dubai.

FUE No Shave Technique Hair Transplant

Hair transplant procedure is a cosmetic surgery technique that is often used for hair restoration, and is famous for being the best solution to dilemmas such as severe hair loss and balding. There are different methods to this type of hair restoration technique and this includes FUT or also known as Follicular Unit Extraction which extracts hair follicles in strip method, and the FUE or the Follicular Unit Extraction which individually extracts hair units from the donor site. These hair transplantation methods came about because hair specialists and surgeons understand that not all hair loss issues are the same with everybody, and so a variation in the types of method to be used must be needed to suit every need of each patient who seeks this type of hair loss solution.

According to Dubai Hair Club, one of the most prestigious hair clinics in the whole of UAE, patients must have a detailed understanding of how and why each hair transplant methods are done before they go into the whole procedure. Other important pointers to remember before deciding if you do really need to go into hair transplantation; first, always research the clinic and the hair doctor that you choose to do the procedure with; second, always get an earlier appointment for you to be able to ask all your concerns and to make your hair doctor understands fully what your goals are, and of course your expectations as well. After all has been discussed during the first appointment, the next thing would be getting ready for the scheduled hairtransplantindubai. Please be informed that all medications that the patient is taking prior to the scheduled date of procedure must be stopped, at least two to three weeks before the date.
See more on http://www.dubaihairclub.com/fue-no-shave-technique-hair-transplant/

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